The Moon
The Moon is a Satellite of out Planet - and as far as we know, the only one.
It is the only place that man has visited in our solar system
Know facts and figures
- Mass: 7.3483 x 1022 kg (73,483,000,000,000,000,000,000 kg)
- Radius (equator): 1737.4 km
- Circumference (equator): 10,916 km
- Average Distance from Earth: 384,400 km
- Closest (Perigee): 363,300 km
- Furthest (Apogee): 405,500 km
- Surface Temperature Range: -233 °C to 123 °C
Find the phases of the moon for a calendar year
Find the illumination of the moon for a calendar month
Find why we see phases of the moon
Find how and why the moon effects the tides
The Full Moon has been given many nicknames by many cultures over the years and below is a list of all I can find
but if you know more please let us know? Sometimes the same name crops up for more the one month.
- January: Moon After Yule, Old Moon, Wolf Moon, Ice Moon
- February: Wolf Moon, Hunger Moon, Storm Moon, Snow Moon
- March: Lenten Moon, Crow Moon, Worm Moon, Crust Moon
- April: Pink Moon, Egg Moon, Sprouting Grass Moon, Fish Moon
- May: Milk Moon, Flower Moon, Corn or Corn Planting Moon
- June:Rose Moon Flower Moon, Strawberry Moon, Honey Moon,
- July: Hay Moon, Fallow Moon, Thunder Moon, Wort Moon, Buck Moon, Mead Moon
- August: Barley Moon, Grain Moon, Sturgeon Moon, Red Moon, Green Corn Moon
- September: Corn Moon, Harvest Moon, Singing Moon, Corn Moon, Barley Moon
- October: Harvest Moon, Hunter's Moon, Blood Moon, Travel Moon, Dying Grass Moon
- November: Hunter's Moon, Fog Moon,Beaver Moon, Mad Moon, Frost Moon, Mourning Moon, Snow Moon
- December: Oak Moon, Cold Moon, Frost Moon, Moon Before Yule, Long Night's Moon
Blue Moon
It is often, and mistakenly said, that the Blue Moon is a second full moon in a calendar month.
BUT it is actually the fourth full moon in a season instead of the usual three.
There are, on average, 12.37 full moons in a year and so, again on average, there must be a Blue Moon every 2.7 years
Moon Related Superstitions
It is said to be lucky
- if there is a full moon on a Monday
- to expose your newborn baby to the waxing moon to give the baby strength
- to own a rabbit's foot providing the rabbit was killed in a cemetry by
a cross-eyed person at the dark of the Moon (Not so lucky for the rabbit I think!)
It is said to be unlucky
- to look at the Moon over your shoulder
- to be born in the moonlight
- to have a full Moon on a Sunday ... or is it Saturday?
"The Sun's gone dim
and the Moon's turned black
for I loved him and he didn't love back"
Dorothy Parker
"Slowly, silently, now the moon
Walks in the night in her silver shoon"
Walter de la Mare
"The moon and its phases gave man his first calendar"
Isaac Asimov
"O lady moon your horns point toward the east;
Shine, be increased:
O lady moon your horns point toward the west;
Wane, be at rest."
Christina Rossetti
"The moon is silver without and a jewel within, cool in both aspects, inner and outer"
Buddhist Saying